'The Meteor'

Published on by Ex

Missed a meteor at 5am this morning ! Wish i could've seen it, but heres a link for a little video of it anyway..




The Meteor


Fire ate the darkness spewing up sparkles,

shards of light, leaving a destructive trail,

adorning the night.

It was only trying to get somewhere.

Pulled apart by shouting, emotional forces

it was only trying to live.


They broke him apart,

and threw him away,

to yet another world, he sped through the darkness, offering,

light and warmth,

unseen by many,

starting his new life,

leaving sparkle, shards of stars

throughout the night.

Speaking of mystifying, unknown worlds,

of darkness lighter than light,

fire colder than ice

and planets, never seen twice.


Ex 4th/1st/2013

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